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Cookie Time!

Girl Scout cookies are just one of those things, aren't they? Girls who sell them have been in anticipating and learning for months, past Girl Scouts have fond memories of selling them, and the general public can't wait to get their cookie fix. What is it about the Girl Scout cookie?

Working for the Girl Scouts, I have found that it is much more than just a cookie.

This is my first cookie season, and I can't believe the amount of work these girls put into not just selling cookies but learning about the cookies. Don't believe me? Next time you go to buy a box, ask a couple of questions.....see if you can stump them! These little entrepreneurs know their stuff and take it very seriously!

But behind every amazing girl is an amazing leader. Someone that has given her these lessons and guided her to where she is standing at her booth. There is a leader who stayed up late organizing excel sheets, emailing parents, contacting stores for booth setups, and coordinating with councils for cookie delivery. Some leaders take in hundreds, sometimes thousands, of boxes of cookies into their garages so that these girls can go out and show their stuff. Leaders who put their lives on hold because they know that by helping our future generations succeed, we will all win.

While the girls amaze me and entertain me to no end, I am always in awe of these leaders. This is what the Girl Scout cookie has become for me. Not just a box of Thin Mints that I will down in five minutes, but the hours and the dedication that leaders give. I see a box of hope for our future generation of female entrepreneurs. I see a big box of love.

So the next time you hear, ‘want to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies, think about everything that went into that box…..and buy another.

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