Be the troop leader that supports her every week—the one that watches her smile get bigger as she grows more confident. Mentor a Girl Scout Cookie Professional during cookie season so she can earn enough to reach the goals she and her troop set. Or work with other adults to provide the kind of behind-the-scenes support that makes it possible for her to make amazing new memories at Girl Scouts.
Whether you can give a few hours, a few weeks, or a few months, volunteering with Girl Scouts is flexible and fun.
As a volunteer, you’ll introduce girls to new experiences and help them unleash their inner G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to take the lead and change the world.
You’ll be their cheerleader, guide, and mentor, helping them develop crucial skills and confidence to launch them into a lifetime of leadership. Imagine the excitement, the memories made, and the impact—this is what you’ll share as a Girl Scout volunteer.




Girls love to earn badges and Journey awards that they can display on their uniforms, but that’s not all –
there are patches too!
Patches celebrate a troops activity,
like a trip to the skating rink
sleepover in the leader’s basement
or build a robot!
Girls can also earn patches by completing programs unique to our Council: explore STEM, learn basic skills needed for first-time outdoor exploring or archery. Upon completion of the program, girls can purchase the patch from our shop. Girls from any Council are welcome to participate and order their patches from our Council Shop.
Programs are for you and we encourage girls to make them their own! We are a girl-led centric council and believe that each girl has amazing things to offer. What are you interested in? Whatever it is you can explore it, dive into it with your troop and become the expert. Experience equals confidence!
Don't forget: Financial assistance is available whenever there is a need for both girls and adults.
Girl Scouts in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho is home to over 4000 girls. Girls are at the center of everything we do as a council. Programs provide a variety of activities girls can accomplish and best of all we are girl-led centric. I serve the Tri-Cities and surrounding areas and am a girl scout friend!
Girl Scout programs offer a wide variety of interest!
Girl Scout programs offer a wide variety of interest!
There is no better example than you!